
Summer heat safety tips

Summer is a season for fun activities 和 being outside. 这里有一些炎热天气的安全提示,可以帮助你充分利用这段时间.

夏天是与家人和朋友一起享受户外活动的时候. 但重要的是要记住,如果不采取适当的预防措施,炎热的天气可能是危险的. According to CDC, more than 3,000 heat-related deaths were reported in the U.S. from 2018 to 2020. 这就是为什么采取预防措施和良好的判断力来保护你和你的家人的安全是很重要的, 快乐的夏天.

How to keep your house cool


  • Look over the air conditioning. Check that it's properly working 和 insulated. 在门和窗台上安装防风雨条作为您的工作的一部分 summer home maintenance might help keep cool air in 和 hot air out.
  • 封面窗口. 使用 drapes, shades, awnings or louvers for any 窗户 that receive morning or afternoon sun. This can help reduce the heat entering your home.
  • 使用 fans strategically. 试着逆时针打开吊扇,以帮助空气下降,使房间感觉更凉爽.
  • Cook with small appliances. Consider using slow cookers 和 tabletop grills, over traditional ovens 和 stovetops, to help minimize heat.
  • Look at your 阁楼 ventilation. 考虑使用通风机或风扇来帮助排出多余的热量 阁楼这可能有助于你的房子的整体温度.

How to be safe 和 stay cool on a hot day


  • Drink plenty of water 和 other fluids. Don't wait to rehydrate until you're thirsty. 成年人每天应该喝8杯8盎司的水,可能还需要更多 hot 和 humid days.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine 和 carbonated drinks. 这些会导致脱水,增加中暑的影响.
  • Eat meals that are well-balanced 和 light. 避免高蛋白食物,这会增加代谢热量,增加水分流失.
  • Reschedule exercise. 查看天气预报,尽量避免在一天中最热的时候锻炼. 如果有热建议,你可能想把你的锻炼转移到室内.
  • Wear the right clothing. 穿浅色透气的衣服可以帮助你调节体温. If you are outside, 戴一顶帽子或帽子可以为你的脸和脖子提供额外的保护.
  • 调整自己的步伐. 如果你正在工作或做户外活动,考虑定期休息. 如果可能的话,找一个凉爽的地方或阴凉处休息.

Beware of heat related illness

  • Know the warning signs of heat exhaustion. Watch for breathing that is shallow 和 fast, 头痛, 口干, pale or clammy skin, 肌肉痉挛, 疲劳, disorientation, 出汗, 传递出, nausea 和 vomiting. 如果你或你周围的人有任何中暑症状, you may want to consult your doctor or go to the ER.
  • Know the warning signs of heat stroke. Symptoms include dizziness; a high body temperature (above 103 degrees Fahrenheit); red, hot 和 dry skin (no 出汗); unconsciousness; nausea; confusion; a rapid, strong pulse; 和 a throbbing headache. 如果您、您的家人或朋友出现这些症状,请立即就医.
  • 被告知. Learn the tips to help prevent heat related illnesses.
  • Beware of burns. 使用 sunscreen to aid in protecting your skin against the effects of the sun.

Monitor yourself 和 others

  • Check on high-risk 人 regularly. Keep an eye on infants 和 young children, 人 aged 65 or older, the mentally or physically ill, 和 those who might overexert during work or exercise. They can be especially vulnerable in extreme heat.
  • Never leave a person or a pet in a parked car. 就像你 car can be damaged by the sun, 宠物 can succumb to heat exposure very quickly. Also be careful when entering a car in hot weather. 室内温度可以在30分钟内达到140华氏度到190华氏度, 阳光灿烂的日子.
  • Animals need shade 和 water. Pets can dehydrate quickly因此,要确保它们有充足的新鲜、干净的水,并有阴凉的地方躲避阳光. 当天气非常热的时候,要控制他们的运动,让他们呆在室内.
  • Stay in cool areas. Try to be inside with air conditioning. If you don't have air conditioning at home, 考虑花时间在公共场所,比如图书馆, shopping malls 和 movie theatres, which are usually air-conditioned. In the case of extreme heat waves, 联系当地政府,看看是否有可用的冷却中心.

享受 summer sunshine with your friends 和 family. 记住要做好准备,运用常识,知道什么时候该休息. 由于夏天也是享受水上活动的好时机,你可能想了解更多关于 swimming 和 water safety tips or things to keep in mind when going to the beach.

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